What can I use to fix it?

March 8, 2023, RePosted April 29, 2024

Article for Tool-Ideas.com

I’ve got a Problem, What can I use to fix it?

You’ve got a Problem –

You need some thing  – to open this …..

To move this….or that ….

My _______________ just broke !

I need a tool to fix, correct, restore, tighten, loosen, open,….

To do this job…..

To do this Job, you need these tools…..

If you were living in the year _______

You would use these tools:

To do this or these job(s):

If you were living in the year ________

You would use these tools:

To do this or these job(s):


If you were living in the year ________

These tools would or would not be available:

Power tools:  battery powered

Electricity powered

Tools without battery or electric power:

Hand tools

Carts – pull carts,    wagons,    horse carts

Wheel barrows

Hydrolic tools

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